Active Audience | 65% |
Quality Matches | 90% |
Popular Age | 20-35 |
Profiles | 34 600 |
Reply Rate | 90% |
Ease of Use | 8.7 |
Popularity | 9.2 |
Fraud | Very Rarely |
Rating |
Registration | Free |
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Mobifriends is a very simple dating app where you will get to meet myriads of people. The platform will let you meet someone you would like to date, but it is ideal for making friendships. This Barcelona based dating app has been leading as one of the best dating platforms. There are more than 3,000,000 members, and the daily login is around 7500 people. The site looks nice, and the navigation is very smooth. In this review, you will get to know about why you should become one of the members. Read the review until the end to understand whether this dating application is your cup of tea.
The site will help all the members to find a soulmate. It is not a site for people looking for a temporary fling. You will see that people are more interested in a committed relationship. You will find people based in Spain, Mexico, Colombia, Argentina, Chile, Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia, the US, Russia, and more.
You will find users based in different nooks and corners of the world. The diversity of members is rich with mixed race, sex, and ethnicities. Go through the review to know everything about this dating site.
Mobifriends is a reliable and secure dating platform. The developers of the site ensure to keep an eye on all the users. There is a very little chance to come across fake profiles; however, be sure to talk to the person you are meeting for the first time in detail. The site was launched way back in 2005, and they have more than 3,000,000 members so far. The place is ideal for people wanting to meet new people. You will find people who share similar interests and hobbies. You can look for a relationship and friendships. The choice is yours. If you wish, you can change the language of the site in Catalan, Spanish, and English. The default language will be English.
The site doesn’t restrict people with different sexual orientations from joining it. Whether you are a woman looking for a man, a man looking for a woman, a man looking for a man, or a woman looking for a woman, you are free to connect with anyone. In terms of race, you will meet Black people, Caucasian, Mongoloid, Capoid, and Australoid people. When it comes to ethnicities, you will come across American, Asian, Alaskan native, black or African American native, Latino, white, and native Hawaiian.
The global ranking, as per Alexa, is 139,403. Whereas in the United States alone, the rank is 85,879th. Last month the site was visited by 2,778,822 people. The majority of members are men, though. 70% of members are male, while the remaining 30% comprises of females.
Before signing up, you will see the homepage with all the essential tabs. On the top, you will find the option to log in. To log in, you will have to enter the registered email ID and password. If you want, you can sign in via your Facebook account. The site allows all the guests to start looking for other users. The good thing about this site is that even guests who haven’t registered yet are free to take a tour. The site claims that you will meet people who are residing in your current city, and from everywhere else. If you scroll down a bit, you will see some profiles with profile pictures, names, and ages. As per the dating site, all the profiles are real, as the site claims to review each profile.
Another good thing about this dating site is that they have the Mobifriends application too. The navigation of both the website and the Mobifriends app is smooth. The dating site makes it easy for people looking for someone new to talk to. The categories are listed nicely. Your profile will have all the details that someone wants to see. You can chat with people for free. You can date a single man and woman, flirt with them, and make new friends.
There are many features of Mobifriends. However, it would be better to become a VIP member to start enjoying all of the features. As a free member, you will send a message, Mobifriends (flirt), and chat. But for more features, the best thing to do would be to join the site. Here are the special features that you should look out for:
The process is very simple. Upon signing up, you will be able to see your profile. It would be best if you complete your profile. Don’t forget to add a nice profile picture as well. To contact someone, click on the profiles that the site shows or uses the search engine to look for someone. After clicking on the profile of a member, you will get four options to contact the person. The first one is “message,” second is “Mobifriends,” third is chat, and the last one is “add.” The person will have to accept your add request to be shown on your friend list. If someone reads your message, they have the option to ignore or reply to your message. .
The feature Mobifriends operates here like sending flirt. Through Mobifriends, you will let the other person know that you are interested in them. The issue with sending messages is that if the person uses a free account, they will not be able to read them. That’s why Mobifriends is the best feature to let someone know that you want to talk to them.
The sign-up process is extremely lengthy and tiresome. You will be spending at least two minutes to finish the registration process. The site will ask you lots of questions. Even if there are too many questions to answer, these questions will make your profile unique. To sign up, you will first have to enter your email ID, make sure to enter a valid one because email verification is a must. After that comes your location proof, interests, who you are interested in, your hobbies, and more. You will also be asked to upload a profile picture. Upload a beautiful photo that makes you look friendly. Once you are done filling up all the details, you are all set to use the dating platform.
The profiles of Mobifriends are informative. At least 95% of the members have uploaded their profile picture. Your profile will have your name, password ( only you can see), email id, Mobifriends number, gender, and age between your location and city. You are free to modify your details after becoming a member. The user profiles will also have an introduction section. Make sure to present yourself well. Also, be honest about what you are here for, your expectations, and so on. Apart from all this, the profile will also comprise of your personality and your interests. Your goal should be to keep your profile as informative as possible so that you can see the right matches.
More and more people like to go for dating platforms that have Mobifriends applications. You can download the app from the website directly. The app is available for both Android and iPhone. The app is free to download. If you want to look for people on the go, then the app is the best option for you. The app is also on par. Meeting new people for free has never been this easy!
There are so many leading dating apps in the market. In case you would like to compare this site with similar dating platforms, try checking out, international cupid, I like you,,, firstmet, elite singles, millionaire match. All of these dating sites have similar features, such as you can add someone as your favorite, message them, send a flirt, and are free to chat with people too. In case you would like to know more about different dating sites, you can check out chemistry, JDate, the inner circle, Mylol, dream marriage, and more. These are some names, and joining them is worth your time too.
Mobifriends is free to join; however, if you would like to enjoy every feature of this fantastic dating site, better to become a VIP member. With a VIP membership, you will be earning weekly rewards; you can read chats and more. There are four subscriptions to choose from. Select the one that suits your budget. The best one to go for is the three months pack, though. Here’s the pricing list.
Duration |
Cost USD |
Six months |
19.85 |
Three months (most popular) |
11.91 |
One month |
5.29 |
One week |
1.99 |
Readers may note that the company is offering massive discounts, and these prices may change without any prior notification. Also, after taking the subscription, if you would like to cancel it, ensure to cancel it before the due date.
The dating site undoubtedly is safe for every user. The site claims to take every registration seriously. The moderator of the site checks each of the profiles so that they can be sure that only real people have joined in. It is perfectly safe to join the dating site. If the site owner finds out fake profiles, the company doesn’t hesitate to delete it permanently.
The dating site is suitable for everyone. You will find a wide range of people from different parts of the globe. The website looks sleek, and the site sends an email verification to verify your account. Profiles are well-informed, and there are many features to try. Overall, you will surely have a good time here at this dating site. Go ahead, and sign up, and try the one-week VIP feature to enjoy all of its features. Start chatting with new people, and find your true love.
Here are some frequently asked questions answered.
If you forget your login password, click on the forget password option. The site will send you an email. Click on the link available on the email, and you will be redirected to the change the password page. Enter your new password twice, and it will be done.
Unfortunately, no. They only have an online form that you need to fill. Tell them the issue, and you will receive a reply within 24 hours.
You will only be able to send messages to people that you want. However, reading the messages option is available for only paid members.
You will see the “My lists” tab on your profile, click on that, and after that, you will the “Your visits” section. Tap on that to see the number of people visited you.
If you are not happy with the dating app and want to delete your account, click on the “delete profile” option. After that, you will have to fill out the form provided. After deleting your account, everything on your profile will be deleted permanently, and later if you would like to use the site again, you will have to create a new profile.
To send a message to someone you are interested in, click on the profile and tap the send message option. That will allow you to send messages to anyone you want. However, do note that only paid members will be able to read your messages, not the free ones. A chat option is also available. You can click on the chat option to send an instant message. Chat is free for everyone. Use this feature if you don’t want to spend money on the VIP subscription.
The dating site keeps a record of everything. Even as a free member, you will be able to see who visited you. The process is very simple. Click on the “my lists” tab, and after that, hit the “your visits” tab, and you will see the profiles of users who have visited you.
The easiest way to block someone from contacting you is to add that user to your blacklist. Go to the “my lists” option and search for the backlist option. Visit the user’s profile who you wish to block, and select “add to blacklist.” This way, the person will no longer be able to contact you. And don’t worry, the user will not come to know that you have blocked them.
There is no direct way to cancel your subscription on Mobifriends. You will have to contact the customer care team to cancel the subscription for you. Visit the contact us page, and from the drop-down menu, choose the “how can I unsubscribed” option. Write a message to the team with the reason for cancellation, and it will be done.